Student Application {click here for the application}
UNWFCU is searching for a motivated and ambitious student to award a $1,000.00 scholarship. Candidates of this scholarship must be eligible and may only qualify one time. Applications must be typewritten and turned in to the Credit Union NO LATER than April 19, 2024. Winners will be announced no later than May 8, 2024.
- Deliver or mail applications to our Norton branch: 912 N Archer | PO Box 176 | Norton, KS 67654
In order to be eligible for this scholarship, students must meet the following qualifications;
- High school or College accumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Senior or alumni of any high school in Norton, Decatur, or Rawlins County Kansas
- Student plans to attend college in the United States
- Preference for a major in business or finance
Applications that are incomplete will NOT be processed. Students MUST fill out the application in its entirety and include the following;
- a completed application
- Please mark N/A for items not applicable
- a completed application
- a copy of the student’s current school transcript
- a letter of recommendation from a sponsor or a teacher
- a 200 to 400 word essay that addresses your degree/major, educational goals, future career plans and why you feel you deserve a scholarship.
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